Psychological Facts: 12 proven psychological facts about humans you never knew before: No Psychology Degree needed!!

Learning something new about ourselves is always fascinating. Ever wondered why we behave on certain scenarios or do the things in a certain way?It's amazing to know that our minds behave uniquely, but at the same time functions similarly

Here are the 12 proven psychological facts that will really surprise you and help in understanding others. 

1.The very last person on your mind before you fall asleep is either the reason for your happiness or your pain. 

2. If you annunce your goals in front of others you're less likely to succeed studies have revealed that you lose motivation. 

3. The more you spend on others the happier you feel. 

4. Your favorite song is your favorite because you associate an emotional event with it

5. Smarter people underestimate themselves, but on the other hand ignorant people think that they are brilliant.

6. People between the ages of 18 and 33 are the most stressed persons in the world after the age of 33s tress level tends to decrease. 

7. Our hearts have nothing to do with the feeling of being in love it's only a chemical reaction of the brain

8. Money spent on experiences will always hold greater value to you. 

9. Convincing yourself that you slept well tricks your brain into thinking that it actually did

10. 90 percent of people text things they can't say in person

11. Some of us are actually afraid of being too happy because of the fear that something tragic might happen next. 

12. It's now hundred percent psychologically proven that it takes only four minutes to fall in love

Which psychological factor do you like the most?

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