Are you an Introvert Extrovert or Ambivert? Lets Find Out!


You find yourself at a party what are your feelings? do you want to hide in the corner hoping that no one sees you eventually slinking away back home or do you want to jump up on a table and dance the night away not returning to your house until noon the next day or maybe it's both find out which one you are.

so you can finally know what kind of person you are because if you're going to find out personal details it better be from your bestie alright so let's talk about your personality which one of those three situations did you most identify with well depending on which one you choose you might be one of these three things

An introvert, An extrovert and finally An Ambivert here we're going to find out how to tell which one of the three you happen to be quickly let's go through the three personality types


the dictionary defines an introvert as a shy reticent person or a person predominantly concerned with their own thoughts and feelings rather than with external things essentially if you like spending time with yourself more than you might like spending time with others you might be an introvert right now we'll let you know how to tell if you're an introvert here are the characteristics of an introvert.

1.       being around lots of people drains your energy if you're out and about and you're around people and you feel totally exhausted you might be an introvert don't get us wrong introverts like being around people as long as they're close friends

2.        you enjoy solitude this might seem pretty obvious for introverts but they like to be by themselves however not all the time very well mind puts it this way this does not mean that the average introvert wants to be alone all the time many introverts love spending time with friends and interacting with familiar people in social situations the key thing to remember is that after a long day of social activity an introvert will probably want to retreat to a quiet place to think reflect and recharge.

3.       you only have close friends speaking of spending time with friends. an introvert will most likely have a smaller group of close friends this is most likely because meeting new people makes them feel tired and they would rather spend time with people with whom they feel close so that they can be themselves.

4.        you are described as quiet what do people call you when they describe you very well mind describes introverts like this quiet reserved mellow and are sometimes mistaken for being shy also people might have a hard time getting to know introverts as they are reserved around new people

5.       Too much stimulation makes you feel distracted think about the times when you're trying to do work do you need to be in a place that's totally quiet and unbothered by outside noise then you might be an introvert medium reported on a study that said researchers have found that introverts tend to be more easily distracted than extroverts which is part of the reason why introverts tend to prefer a quieter less harried setting.

6.        you're very self-aware because they like to spend time by themselves introverts tend to spend a lot of time thinking about themselves which makes them incredibly self-aware this can either be a good thing or a bad thing on one hand it could mean that you spend a lot of time doing things that you love growing yourself as a person however it can make everyone very self-conscious and socially awkward

7.        you learn by watching when you're trying to figure out something an introvert might learn by watching someone else for a while and then trying it out.

8.       You like independent jobs as an introvert you might try to find a job that allows you to stay alone or preferably allows you to stay at home.


 on the opposite side of the spectrum we have the extroverts the dictionary defines them as an outgoing overly expressive person or a person predominantly concerned with external things or objective considerations right now we'll let you know how to tell if you're an extrovert here are the characteristics of an extrovert.

1.        you like social gatherings obviously if you're an extrovert you love being around people in fact it gives you energy you get boosted from not only attending social gatherings but hosting them as well pretty much if you're happy around people you're probably an extrovert

2.        you love conversations when you're around people whether they be your friends or not you like to talk to them doesn't matter if it's deep and intellectual or just to talk about fart jokes here into it plus you're pretty loud too.

3.       people describe you as friendly when people are talking about you what words do they use, if those descriptions include friendly approachable and outgoing maybe even a little loud then you might be an extrovert

4.        you have a lot of friends because of your extroverted personality you find yourself with not only a bunch of close friends but just a lot of people who know your name then you're probably a little extroverted

5.       you like to talk out problems when you find yourself in a situation where someone is mad at you or maybe they just disagree do you launch yourself into that talk instead of shying away this is a characteristic of a loud extrovert.

6.        you like new experiences life is all about variety at least if you're an extrovert when you decide to do something on the weekend as an extrovert you might want to do something you've never done before

7.       you're bored when you're alone when you're at home sitting around and doing nothing do you find yourself getting bored do you just want to get out and be around people then you're probably an extrovert at least a little bit.

8.       You are a leader not only do you like being around people you like leading them as well. were you ever class president leader of a community? initiative or heck the leader of a country then you're probably an extrovert.

9.       you speak your mind finally as an extrovert you like to speak a lot you're not afraid of letting people know what you think about things even if it's controversial plus you're pretty loud about it too.


Alright so while an introvert is reserved and an extrovert is someone who's out there an ambivert is somewhere in the middle so is there a way to answer the question how to tell if you're an ambivert quickly here are five signs that helpline says you might be an ambivert.

1.        you're a good listener and communicator

2.       you have the ability to regulate behavior.

3.       you feel comfortable in social settings but also value your alone time.

4.       empathy comes naturally to you.

5.        you're able to provide balance.

Does that sound like you?  well there's more there are a number of things extroverted introverts or rather ambiverts have to deal with on a daily basis the worst is the fact that most people simply do not understand them because of the following couple of reasons.

they're the life of the party when they actually feel like going to parties.

2.        they're confident and social went out and about but can spend countless hours or days by themselves

3.        they can be independent and dependent at the same time.

4.       there's sometimes very quiet which can give off the wrong impression to strangers it sounds like a complete whirlwind doesn't it while ambiverts are clearly very diverse and multi-dimensional people they're also positively adorable and wonderful too.

Alright! so now that we've looked at what might make you an ambivert and how some people might not understand them let's talk about seven daily struggles that they might face here are the daily struggles all ambivert snow to be true.

1.        Ambiverts love and hate the idea of a party or social gathering it all depends on who will be there how they feel that day and if they're comfortable enough with being themselves around said people daily.

2.        people are continuously surprised when ambivert submit that they're actually kind of shy to others they seem extremely confident and outgoing

3.         ambivert Sartre told off on a weekly or even daily basis for choosing to stay at home as opposed to going out daily.

4.        after several hours of interacting with people Ambiverts need to find a quiet space in order to be by themselves for a while

5.        ambivert scan display signs of being confident shy friendly and reclusive all in the space of a mere few hours

6.       strangers often believe that ambiverts are unfriendly because they tend to go quiet at times

7.       ambivert feel strongly and passionately but sometimes have difficulty conveying those feelings to others sure they have to deal with all these daily struggles but ultimately ambiverts are awesome because they can curl up with a good book or be the life of the party and be completely content with either and that about wraps it up.

what did you think of our list would you consider yourself an introvert extrovert or ambivert? what do you think of the pros and cons of each? finally do you know how you might change your personality in order to become something you want to be let us know in the comments section below.



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